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Results for: S-33


What’s a West Coast IPA and Why’s it So Damn Good?

The West Coast of the United States has brought us Starbucks, Yahoo, and Yacht Rock. It’s also given us the pass-first offense, The Price Is Right, and In-N-Out Burger.  But ask any red-blooded American brewer what the West Coast is known for, and you can bet your weekly allowance they’ll mention hops. Namely the “C” […]

Simplify Fermentation with Fermentis Active Dry Yeast

There’s a scene in Shakespeare’s Henry V where King Henry asks his tired troops to rally, to charge “once more upon the breach” and keep fighting for England.   There’s another scene right after that one where a guy named Boy says he’d rather be relaxing in a London alehouse instead of fighting the French. “I […]

Why Brewers Choose Fermentis

The World Leader in Yeast Solutions  Brewers across the globe trust Fermentis active dry yeast for the production of award-winning beers.  It’s much the same with distillers, winemakers, and cider makers. Over the last 20 years, Fermentis by Lesaffre has solidified its position as the market leader with a microscopic-like focus on quality, selection, and […]

Fermentis Helps You Pick the Best Yeast Strains for Biotransformation

Biotransformation is a hot topic. Much like the fundamental, alchemical magic of fermentation itself, biotransformation of hop compounds by yeast offers brewers the potential to create novel compounds beyond the usual suite of variety-specific aromatics. The activity of yeast cells during active fermentation is key – but which yeast? Our friends from Fermentis are here […]