Fermentis SafAle™ T-58 – 500 g
% Dry Weight
94.0 - 96.5
Usage Rate
50 - 80 g/hl in primary fermentation, 2.5 - 5 g/hl in bottle conditioning
Fermentation Temperature
53.6 - 77ºF, ideally 59 - 68ºF
Residual Sugars
22 g/l at an apparent attenuation of 70%
Store in cool (<50ºF), dry conditions
Total Esters
37 ppm at 18ºP at 20ºC in EBC tubes
Total Superior Alcohols
228 ppm at 18ºP at 20ºC in EBC tubes
Shelf Life
36 months from production date. 7 days if opened.
Viable Cells At Packaging
>1 x 10^10 cfu/g for ales | >6 x 10^9 cfu/g for lagers
Packaging Dimensions
5.50"H x 1.14"W x 3.65"L
1.14 lbs
Spicy, estery flavors ideal for continental beer styles.

A specialty ale yeast selected for its estery, somewhat peppery and spicy flavor. Forms a solid sediment at the end of secondary fermentation, therefore widely used for bottle and cask conditioning.