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First to produce true dry lager beer yeast in the late 1990’s Fermentis is the sole supplier of 17 different dry brewing yeast strains allowing brewers to brew a variety of beers. Easy to use, the entire range complies with the strictest manufacturing standards and has assured microbiological specifications.
Each strain is produced in cutting edge propagation facilities and then carefully dehydrated to preserve its unique characteristics. Dry yeasts are easy to use and can be stored for up to three years in optimal condition without significant loss in viability.
Product specification sheets and information on www.fermentis.com
Follow Fermentis! www.facebook.com/Fermentis or @Fermentis

Fermentis SafAle™ BE-134 – 100g

Fermentis SafAle™ BE-134 – 500g

Fermentis SafAle™ BE-134 11.5 g

Fermentis SafAle™ BE-256 – 100g

Fermentis SafAle™ BE-256 – 11.5g

Fermentis SafAle™ BE-256 – 500g

Fermentis SafAle™ BW-20 11.5 g

Fermentis SafAle™ BW-20 500 g

Fermentis SafAle™ F-2 500g

Fermentis SafAle™ K-97 – 100g

Fermentis SafAle™ K-97 – 500 g

Fermentis SafAle™ K-97 11.5 g

Fermentis SafAle™ S-04 – 500g

Fermentis SafAle™ S-04 – 100g

Fermentis Safale™ S-04 – 11.5g

Fermentis SafAle™ S-04 10 kg

Fermentis SafAle™ S-33 – 100g

Fermentis SafAle™ S-33 – 11.5g

Fermentis SafAle™ S-33 – 500g

Fermentis SafAle™ T-58 – 100g

Fermentis SafAle™ T-58 – 10kg

Fermentis SafAle™ T-58 – 11.5 g

Fermentis SafAle™ T-58 – 500 g

Fermentis SafAle™ US-05 – 11.5g

Fermentis SafAle™ US-05 – 100g

Fermentis SafAle™ US-05 – 500 g

Fermentis SafAle™ US-05 10kg

Fermentis SafAle™ W-68 11.5 g

Fermentis SafAle™ W-68 500 g

Fermentis SafAle™ WB-06 – 500 g

Fermentis SafAle™ WB-06 – 100g

Fermentis SafAle™ WB-06 – 11.5g

Fermentis SafBrew™ BR-8 100 g

Fermentis SafBrew™ DA-16 – 25 g

Fermentis SafBrew™ DA-16 500g

Fermentis SafBrew™ DW-17 25 g

Fermentis SafBrew™ DW-17 500 g

Fermentis SafBrew™ HA-18 – 25 g

Fermentis SafBrew™ HA-18 500 g

Fermentis SafBrew™ LA-01 10kg

Fermentis SafBrew™ LA-01 500g

Fermentis SafBrew™ LD-20 – 25 g

Fermentis SafBrew™ LD-20 500g

Fermentis SafCider™ AB-1 5 g

Fermentis SafCider™ AB-1 500g

Fermentis SafCider™ AC-4 500g

Fermentis SafCider™ AC-4 5g

Fermentis SafCider™ AS-2 500g

Fermentis SafCider™ AS-2 5g

Fermentis SafCider™ TF-6 500g

Fermentis SafCider™ TF-6 5g

Fermentis SafLager™ E‑30 11.5g

Fermentis SafLager™ E‑30 500g

Fermentis SafLager™ S-189 – 500 g

Fermentis SafLager™ S-189 – 100g

Fermentis SafLager™ S-189 11.5 g

Fermentis SafLager™ S-23 – 100g

Fermentis SafLager™ S-23 – 11.5g

Fermentis SafLager™ S-23 – 500 g

Fermentis SafLager™ W-34/70 – 100g

Fermentis SafLager™ W-34/70 – 11.5g

Fermentis SafLager™ W-34/70 – 500 g

Fermentis SafLager™ W-34/70 10 kg

Fermentis SafSour™ LB-1 – 100g

Fermentis SafSour™ LP 652 100g

Fermentis SafSpirit™ C-70 10Kg

Fermentis SafSpirit™ C-70 500g

Fermentis SafSpirit™ CO-16 500g

Fermentis SafSpirit™ D-53 500 g

Fermentis SafSpirit™ FD-3 500g

Fermentis SafSpirit™ GR-2 500 g

Fermentis SafSpirit™ M-1 10 kg

Fermentis SafSpirit™ M-1 500g

Fermentis SafSpirit™ USW-6 10 kg

Fermentis SafSpirit™ USW-6 500g

Fermentis SafTeq™ Blue Tequila 500g

Fermentis SafTeq™ Silver 500g