Pinnacle ™ Fructo 500g

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Fructo is an excellent yeast to use in conjunction with high sugar grape juices that will lead to high potential alcohol yield. With an extremely high alcohol tolerance of 17% v/v, Fructo can also be used for stuck and sluggish fermentations of both red and white wines when fructose concentrations are elevated toward the end of fermentation. Fructo should be used on ripe Zinfandel, Durif, Shiraz/Syrah and other high alcohol wines.
Fermentation characteristics
- Fructo is a strong fermenter at temperatures of 15-30°C (59-85°F) with a short lag phase.
- Cooler temperatures below 15°C (59°F) result in a more moderate fermentation rate.
- It has a high alcohol tolerance of up to 17% v/v, with the ability to inoculate in high alcohol conditions to restart fermentation.
- This yeast is a low foaming strain.
Nitrogen requirements
Fructo is considered a low nitrogen consumer. When using this yeast in stuck fermentation protocols, a fermentation aid should be used to assist fructose catabolism.
For more information on fructophilic fermentation we recommend Jason Mabbett’s excellent article “Fructophilic Yeasts – Consequences of Yeast Strain Selections” available here.