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Base Malt

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Best Ale Malt | British two row barley grains malted by Crisp Malt.
Crisp Best Ale Malt
Color °Lovibond: 2.5 - 3.5
Chevallier Heritage Malt | A brewing and distilling malt for beers, ales and whisky, British heritage grains malted by Crisp Malt.
Crisp Chevallier® Heritage Malt
Color °Lovibond: 2.7-4.0
Clear Choice Pale Malt | A brewers base malt for hazy beers using British grains malted by Crisp Malt.
Crisp Clear® Choice Pale Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.7 - 2.5°
Clear Dark Munich Malt | A brewers specialty malt for red beers using British grains malted by Crisp Malt.
Crisp Dark Munich Malt
Color °Lovibond: 17.0 - 22.0
Crisp Extra Pale Maris Otter® Malt | A brewers base malt with low color, grains malted by Crisp Malt.
Crisp Extra Pale Maris Otter®
Color °Lovibond: 1.5 - 2.0
The Finest Maris Otter® Malt | A brewers for English style ales and beer; grains malted by Crisp Malt.
Crisp Finest Maris Otter® Ale Malt
Color °Lovibond: 2.5 - 3.5
Hana Heritage Malt | A brewing malt for lagers and beers. British heritage grains malted by Crisp Malt.
Crisp Haná Heritage Malt 25kg
Color °Lovibond: 1.0 - 1.2
Lager Malt | British two row barley grains malted by Crisp Malt.
Crisp Lager Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.5 - 2.0
No.Floor MaltedMarisOtterMalt|AbrewersmalttraditionallyfloorkilnedusingBritishheritagegrainsmaltedbyCrispMalt.
Crisp No. 19 Floor-Malted Maris Otter®
Color °Lovibond: 2.5 - 3.5
Crisp Plumage Archer Heritage Malt | A brewers malt using British heritage grains malted by Crisp Malt.
Crisp Plumage Archer Heritage Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.8
ScottishPaleAleMalt|Abrewersmaltforlowcolourandbeers,grainsfromBritishtwo rowbarleyaremaltedbyCrispMalt.
Crisp Scottish Pale Ale Malt
Color °Lovibond: 2.5-3.3
dingemans munich malt
Dingemans Munich Malt
Color °Lovibond: 5.6-6.7
dingemans organic munich malt
Dingemans Organic Munich Malt
Color °Lovibond: 5.6-6.7
dingemans organic pale ale
Dingemans Organic Pale Ale
Color °Lovibond: 3.5-4.3
dingemans organic pilsen
Dingemans Organic Pilsen
Color °Lovibond: 1.5-1.9
dingemans pale ale
Dingemans Pale Ale
Color °Lovibond: 3.5-4.3
dingemans pilsen
Dingemans Pilsen
Color °Lovibond: 1.5-1.9
gambrinus esb pale malt
Gambrinus ESB Pale Malt
Color °Lovibond: 2.5 - 3.5
Picture of Gambrinus IPA Malt
Gambrinus IPA Malt
gambrinus munich dark l
Gambrinus Munich Dark
Color °Lovibond: 20.0 - 33.78
gambrinus munich light l
Gambrinus Munich Light
Color °Lovibond: 7.2 - 13.0
gambrinus organic munich l
Gambrinus Organic Munich Light
Color °Lovibond: 7.2 - 13.0
gambrinus organic pale malt
Gambrinus Organic Pale Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.9 - 2.5
gambrinus organic pilsner malt
Gambrinus Organic Pilsner Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.5 - 1.9
gambrinus pale malt
Gambrinus Pale Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.9 - 2.5
gambrinus pilsner malt
Gambrinus Pilsner Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.5 - 1.9
gambrinus vienna malt
Gambrinus Vienna Malt
Color °Lovibond: 3.5 - 6.5
mci irish ale malt
MCI Irish Ale Malt
Color °Lovibond: 2.0-3.5
mci irish stout malt
MCI Irish Stout Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.5-2.0
rahr north star pils
Rahr North Star Pils™
Color °Lovibond: 1.5 – 1.9
rahr old world pilsner
Rahr Old World Pilsner
Color °Lovibond: 1.5-2.0
rahr pale ale
Rahr Pale Ale
Color °Lovibond: 3.0-4.0
rahr premium pilsner
Rahr Premium Pilsner
Color °Lovibond: 1.9 - 2.3
Picture of Rahr Standard 2-Row 55 lb (25 kg) – West
Rahr Standard 2-Row 55 lb (25 kg) – West
Color °Lovibond: 1.8-2.3
rahr standard row
Rahr Standard 6-Row
Color °Lovibond: 2.0-2.5
simpsons best pale ale malt
Simpsons Best Pale Ale Malt
Color °Lovibond: 2.1 - 2.8
simpsons finest golden promise
Simpsons Finest Golden Promise™
Color °Lovibond: 2.2 - 3.0
simpsons finest golden promise peated malt
Simpsons Finest Golden Promise™ Peated Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.3 - 1.7
simpsons finest lager malt
Simpsons Finest Lager Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.3 - 2.1
simpsons finest pale ale maris otter
Simpsons Finest Pale Ale Maris Otter
Color °Lovibond: 2.2 - 3.0
simpsons imperial malt
Simpsons Imperial Malt
Color °Lovibond: 15.6 - 19.3
simpsons low color maris otter malt
Simpsons Low Color Maris Otter® Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.3 - 2.1
simpsons munich malt
Simpsons Munich Malt
Color °Lovibond: 7.3 - 9.9
simpsons vienna malt
Simpsons Vienna Malt
Color °Lovibond: 2.4 - 4.3
Weyermann Isaria
Weyermann® Isaria 1924®
Color °Lovibond: 3.1-3.8
weyermann barke munich malt
Weyermann® Barke® Munich Malt
Color °Lovibond: 6.9-8.7
weyermann barke pilsner malt
Weyermann® Barke® Pilsner Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.4-2.1
weyermann barke vienna malt
Weyermann® Barke® Vienna Malt
Color °Lovibond: 2.7-3.8
weyermann bioland munich malt organic
Weyermann® BIOLAND Munich Malt (Organic)
Color °Lovibond: 7.2 - 9.5
weyermann bioland pale ale malt organic
Weyermann® BIOLAND Pale Ale Malt (Organic)
Color °Lovibond: 2.5-3.3
weyermann bioland pilsner malt organic
Weyermann® BIOLAND Pilsner Malt (Organic)
Color °Lovibond: 1.4-2.3
weyermann bioland vienna malt organic
Weyermann® BIOLAND Vienna Malt (Organic)
Color °Lovibond: 2.7-3.8
weyermann bohemian pilsner malt
Weyermann® Bohemian Pilsner Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.6-2.3
weyermann brewing malt type cologne
Weyermann® Brewing Malt (Type Cologne)
Color °Lovibond: 3.1-3.9
weyermann eraclea pilsner malt
Weyermann® Eraclea Pilsner Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.4-2.1
weyermann extra pale premium pilsner malt
Weyermann® Extra Pale Premium Pilsner Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.2-1.8
weyermann floor malted bohemian dark malt
Weyermann® Floor-Malted Bohemian Dark Malt
Color °Lovibond: 5-8
weyermann floor malted bohemian pilsner malt
Weyermann® Floor-Malted Bohemian Pilsner Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.4 - 2.3
weyermann munich malt type
Weyermann® Munich Malt Type 1
Color °Lovibond: 5-7.2
weyermann munich malt type
Weyermann® Munich Malt Type 2
Color °Lovibond: 8-9.9
weyermann pale ale malt
Weyermann® Pale Ale Malt
Color °Lovibond: 2.5-3.3
weyermann pilsner malt
Weyermann® Pilsner Malt
Color °Lovibond: 1.4-2.1
weyermann vienna malt
Weyermann® Vienna Malt
Color °Lovibond: 2.7 - 3.8