Crisp Customers Win Big at 2019 SIBA & GBBF

A lot of award-winning brewers made Crisp malt part of their path to victory at this year’s Great British Beer Festival and Society of Independent Brewers National Independent Beer Awards.
In the GBBF’s Champion Beer of Britain competition, Crisp malts were represented by medal winners in every category plus the Supreme Champion podium. Categories included traditional styles like bitter, mild, porter, and barley wine, but also specialties like coffee-, chocolate-, and spice-infused ales.
At SIBA’s Independent Beer Awards 2019, a total of 43 beers that places – plus half of all gold medal entries – used Crisp malts in their winning formulations.
The takeaway is clear, according to Crisp’s Rob Moody: “Want to make medal-winning British-style beers? You need some Crisp malt!”