Simplify Fermentation with Fermentis Active Dry Yeast

There’s a scene in Shakespeare’s Henry V where King Henry asks his tired troops to rally, to charge “once more upon the breach” and keep fighting for England.
There’s another scene right after that one where a guy named Boy says he’d rather be relaxing in a London alehouse instead of fighting the French. “I would give all my fame for a pot of ale and safety,” he says. His pal Pistol wishes for the same.
Speaking of beer and safety, we’re here to talk a bit about Fermentis active dry yeast, a range of safe and certified easy-to-use (E2U™) dry yeast strains designed to help brewers brew all the beers they love best.
See how much you can save by switching to Fermentis Active Dry Yeast
Developed by the global leader in yeast solutions, all Fermentis SafYeast™ strains are dried at their most lively state in terms of viability and vitality. Picture all those happy healthy microorganisms singing drinking songs at the pub with ol’ Boy and Pistol! They’ll remain shelf-stable in their dehydrated state for up to three years.
After rehydration, in wort or water (thanks to E2U™), the yeast recovers and gets back to work right where it left off — ready to turn your wort into consistent, high-quality beer.
Here’s How it Works
Fermentis Active Dry Yeast is a ready-to-pitch yeast that can be pitched either directly into the wort or after simple rehydration. It makes no difference which method you choose; the same results are guaranteed.
Each strain is produced in a cutting-edge propagation facility and carefully dehydrated to preserve its unique characteristics. This process makes active dry yeast the most convenient yeast format used in brewing and a reliable way to achieve consistent fermentations from batch to batch.
Here’s What You Do
E2U™ Dry Yeast affords you a fair amount of flexibility. You can pitch directly, or you can rehydrate first, depending on your equipment, preferences, or whimsy. Pitching directly is the way we would usually go, of course, as it saves time and uses less water. But you know your brewery and beers best.
- Fill the fermenter with 1/3 of the wort volume at a temperature of 21-29 °C (69.8 °F – 84.2°F)
- Sprinkle the active dry yeast cells directly in the fermenter
- Add the remaining 2/3 of the volume of wort at fermentation temperature to allow for mixing of yeast and wort.
When Rehydrating
- Rehydrate the dry yeast into a yeast cream by sprinkling it onto 10 times its weight of sterile water or hopped wort
- The temperature of the hydration media should be between 10 and 28°C (50-82.4°F) (ideally close to fermentation temperature)
- Let it rest or optionally gently agitate for 15 mins
- Finally, pitch the resultant cream into the fermentation vessel
Ready to Brew? Simply Select Your Style, Strain, and Package Size.
American-Style IPA: SafAle™ US-05
A workhorse American ale yeast producing neutral and well-balanced ales, it’s clean and crispy. Known for a firm foam head and its ability to stay in suspension during fermentation, it’s ideal highly hopped American-style IPAs.
English Ales, American Ales, and New England IPAs: SafAle™ S-04
Selected for its fast fermentation profile, this English ale yeast produces balanced fruity and floral notes and beers with higher clarity. Ideal for a large range of American and English Ales, including highly hopped beers, it is specially adapted to cask-conditioned and beers fermented in cylindro-conical tanks.
Belgians and New England IPAs: SafAle™ S-33
Known for producing excellent body and mouthfeel in Belgian Blonds and Dubbels, as well as strong English ales (ex. Imperial Stouts). With medium sedimentation and no formation of clumps, it is also ideal for enhancing hoppy and fruity expressions in New England IPAs and other ales.
German Ales and Belgian Wits: SafAle™ K-97
When a subtle fermentation character is wanted, this German ale yeast tends to present a balanced floral and fruity character. Suitable in delicate German Kolsch beers, Belgian Wits, and Session Ales, it forms a large firm head and stands up to high hop loads.
Bocks, Pilsners, and Lagers: SafLager™ S-189
Originating from the Hürlimann brewery in Switzerland, this strain’s neutral profile produces highly drinkable, elegant lagers. Depending on the conditions, it tends to present noticeable herbal and floral notes in Bocks, Pilsners, and other lager beers.
Hoppy and Fruity Lagers: SafLager™ S-23
Originating from Berlin, Germany, this high-floc bottom-fermenting yeast is recommended for lagers where a notable presence of esters is desired. Great for beers with a good length on the palate, S-23 ideal for a wide range of lagers and Pilsners.
The World’s Most Popular Lagers: SafLager™ W-34/70
Famous within the brewing industry, this strong and robust yeast strain from Weihenstephan in Germany is used world-wide to produce clean, highly drinkable beers with a good balance of floral and fruity aromas.
Spicy Belgians and Saisons: SafAle™ BE‑134
Recommended for well-attenuated beers, it offers up fruity, floral and phenolic notes and a dry character. Known for producing highly refreshing beers, it is ideal for Belgian-Saison style.
German and Belgian Wheat Beers: SafAle™ WB‑06
With its fruity and phenolic character, which varies with the fermentation conditions, SafAle WB-06 produces well-attenuated wheat-base beers, such as the Wit Beers and Weizen Beers from Belgium and Germany. Known for its high drinkability, it presents a strong ability to suspend during fermentation.
English and Belgian Ales with High Phenols: SafAle™ T-58
Selected for its strong fruity and phenolic flavors, specifically notes of banana, clove and peppery, it is suitable for a great variety of wheat-base beers and fruity-spicy oriented styles. With a medium sedimentation, it forms no clumps but a powdery haze when resuspended in the beer.
Explore our full line of Fermentis products at, or keep educating yourself with the yeasty content below. If you have any questions, contact your RahrBSG rep!
Additional Resources:
Demistify Active Dry Yeast Hugo Picard- Fermentis webinar
Rehydration vs Direct Pitching of Active Dry Yeast – Fermentis webinar
Brewing with E2U™
10 Little Known Facts About Yeast
10 Reasons to Use Fermentis Active Dry Yeast
What brewers are saying about it:
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