Pinnacle Natura Tan 1kg
An ellagic tannin that provides a stable, anti-oxidative environment to wine for a quality ageing process. Product releases sweet and complex soft tannins, enhancing fruity flavors and wine volume.

Type: Ellagic tannin for wine ageing.
Pinnacle Natura Tan provides a stable anti-oxidative environment to the wine for a quality ageing process.
Pinnacle Natura Tan releases sweet and complex soft tannins, enhancing fruity flavors and volume of the wine.
- Pinnacle Natura Tan can be added at any time. When used during ageing, after malolactic and/or pre-bottling, it reinforces white, rosé and red wines with pleasant, sweet and persistent tannic notes.
- By increasing ellagic tannins concentration in wine, Pinnacle Natura Tan maximises wood contact effect, thus optimising ageing conditions in new or used barrels.
Pure ellagic tannins extracted from untoasted French oak wood (Quercus robur).
Instructions for use:
Granulated form provides total solubility so direct addition in must is possible. However, to better homogenise and optimise action of Pinnacle Natura Tan we recommend dissolving in wine (1:10 ratio) or in warm water before adding to the wine.
Note: when added in white wines at pre-bottling, a preliminary protein stability test is required to avoid any risk of flocculation with proteins.
Suggested dosage 1-5 g/hL.
Higher dose is required for wines subject to oxidation or with low structure.
Note: higher doses of Pinnacle Natura Tan (6-10 g/hL) require time to fully integrate into wine and harmonise its structure. We recommend adding Pinnacle Natura Tan one week (or up to one month) before bottling.
Storage conditions: Store the product in a fresh, dry, well ventilated room.
Shelf life: Five years from date of manufacture.