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Sorachi Ace

Alpha Acid Range %
11.0 - 12.5
Beta Acid Range %
6.5 - 7.0
Co-Humulone as % of Alpha
23 - 26
Total Oil mL/100 g
2.0 - 2.8

The singular lemon character of Sorachi Ace makes it a natural for Saison, Wit, and exotic IPAs.

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Breeding/Development: USA. Originally developed in the 1980s in Japan for Sapporo, recent years have the hop gaining acreage in the Pacific Northwest. Its parentage includes Brewers Gold, Saaz, and Beikei No. 2.

Brewing Application: Dual purpose. With a potent alpha acid level, Sorachi Ace is a more than capable bittering hop. Its unique aromatics make it welcome in styles that embrace bright citrus character: saison, witbier, and exotic riffs on IPA.

Sensory: Potent and distinctive with a suggestion of dill and unmistakable overtones of lemon that can include wood polish, fruit pith, and Lemon Zinger® tea.

Botanical Classification:
Family: Cannabaceae
Genus: Humulus
Species: Lupulus

Maturity: Middle to late

Yield: 1000-1200 lbs/acre