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Results for: malted rye


New Riff Rye Whiskey Starring Weyermann® Abbey Malt®

Experimentation is nothing new to New Riff Distilling of Newport, KY, who adeptly infuse whiskey tradition with innovation. When they reached out last month to let us know they were putting out a Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey with Weyermann® Abbey Malt®, a biscuit malt typically used for brewing craft beers, we were more than intrigued. […]


Rye for American Whiskies

Rye whiskey has deep roots in the United States, with a history that dates back to the colonial days. A combination of changing tastes and Prohibition almost killed it off, but it’s enjoying a bit of a renaissance as more new distillers and craft spirit enthusiasts rediscover its charms. Here’s a quick primer on different […]


Selecting Malt for a Whiskey Mashbill

Malt can constitute anywhere from approximately 10% to 100% of a whiskey mashbill. Its role can be simply a natural source of enzymes with which to convert starches, a source of extract in its own right, and a cornerstone of the sensory profile of the finished product, lending flavors of honey, biscuit, grain, earthiness, and […]

Weyermann® CARARYE®

Rye IPA (RYEPA), Rye Porters, Rye Stouts, Rye Lagers are now commonplace on every craft-centric tap list and bottle-shop shelf.

Rye and Shine: Talking Whiskey with O’Shaughnessy Distilling

Making whiskey out of rye ain’t for the “feint” of heart

As Seen at CBC 2024

Hello, Brewers! Las Vegas was a wonderful host for this year’s CBC, and we had a blast with everyone who visited the RahrBSG Booth for conversation, education, and all things fermentation. In addition to judging IPAs and Hazies in the World Beer Cup, RahrBSG Product Portfolio Manager Matt Johnson spent time pouring samples for brewers […]

Winning with Weyermann® Specialty Malts

GABF medal winners tell us how it feels to win with Weyermann®.

rahr high dp distillers malt

Mashing: cereal vs. malt

The first step in producing spirit from cereal grains is mashing. Style, equipment and tradition may influence the choice of process, but the raw materials themselves will be the biggest factor. The distiller must make the right decision based on the ingredients.

glass with whiskey wKV

Distiller’s Yeast Highlight: SafSpirit USW-6

SafSpirit USW-6 is our top-selling distilling yeast for good reason: it’s ideal for fermenting all types of barrel-aged spirits produced from grain or malt washes, and it’s very easy to work with to boot. Formerly known as SafSpirit American Whiskey, USW-6 is a natural choice for bourbon, rye, corn, or wheated whiskeys. It also does […]

Rahr Technical Center Brews Experimental Beers for CBC 2024

Good day, Friends and Fermentation Enthusiasts. This year’s Craft Brewers Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, is bound to be unforgettable. To ensure the best damn booth experience a beer conference attendee ever encountered, Brewers Jake Thompson and Sean Tynan of the Rahr Technical Center have put together an absolute banger of a beer lineup for […]

The Year of the Lager: Has it Been Here All Along?

There has been a recurring annual prediction for the past 10 years or so that “this is the year of lager!” In a world of endless IPA, this is finally the time that lagers would somehow magically find a place in drinkers’ hearts and mugs.   We understand the sentiment, but as a counterpoint: has it […]

Style Profile: Irish Whiskey

The history of whiskey is intimately connected to Ireland, with distilling thought to have begun in that country as early as the 11th century and has remained a major center of production since. The word itself comes from the Gaelic uisce beatha, “water of life.”